Does xamarain for visual studio require a mac to develop ios apps?
Does xamarain for visual studio require a mac to develop ios apps?

It is a library of standard interface components and elements that have a 100 Microsoft at Build 2016 announced that they will open-source Xamarin SDK and that they will bundle it.

does xamarain for visual studio require a mac to develop ios apps? does xamarain for visual studio require a mac to develop ios apps?

You can either use it as a build server, and actually do your development in Visual Studio (either in a standalone PC, or on a VM running on your Mac), or you can do your development directly on the Mac using Xamarin Studio as your IDE. In the Contents.json there was specified a file (i.e. Xamarin is a mobile application development platform with native user interfaces that let you create native iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac apps in C. The Mac is required for building as well as running the iOS simulator. While it is possible to write iOS apps outside of XCode, I do not know how you will test, debug and sync your iOS application to a iPhone without XCode.


I have had issues with the Asset Catalogs in Visual Studio, the issue for me was two things that both caused the Asset Catalogs not to open: 1 Missing/wrong entry in the. Get code examples like 'do i need a mac to develop ios apps in xamarin' instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension.

Does xamarain for visual studio require a mac to develop ios apps?